Job Procedure For Right of way ROW, Route Survey, Cleaning, and Grading in Pipeline

This scope covers to indicate various diameter pipeline route survey and alignment checks for construction of Steel Pipeline network for transportation & distribution of Natural gas.
Applicable Codes & Specification
Following standards and codes of the latest edition have been referred to in this Job Procedure specification.
Governing Standard
* ASME B 31.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems.
* Company Tender Document.
* PNGRB -2008.
Reference Standard
* Company Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Risk Register
* Proposed route alignment sheet
* OISD Standard 141 Design and Construction Requirements for Cross-country / City Gas Distribution (CGD) Hydrocarbon Pipelines
* IGE/TG/ Latest Edition.
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Procedural Step
Health, Safety & Environment
* All the persons involved in the activities shall have a valid Safety Passport.
* Site-specific Risk Assessment & risk mitigation action shall be conducted before execution of activities on a daily basis.
* Tool Box talk (TBT) with each member of the working crew
shall be done every day.
* PPEs shall be used as per the PPE’s Matrix approved
by Client or As per standard.
* Earth Moving types of equipment shall be facilitated by the navigator to ensure the safety of people around and the caution signal to the operator.
* Bunting shall be done as a safety precaution from above ground electrical installation & wires.
* Poclain / JCB or other suitable equipment with valid equipment Vehicles fitness certificate, Operator/ Driver license shall be used.
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* The CONTRACTOR shall be required to perform his construction activities within the width of ROW provided by Client for construction of the pipeline, unless he has made other arrangements with the landowner and/or tenant for using extra land. Variation in this width caused by local conditions or installation of associated pipeline facilities or the existing pipeline will be identified in the field and instructed to the CONTRACTOR by Client/TPIA.
* Any damages to crop/land which is out of specified width of Right Of Way (ROW), CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for such compensations, unless & until CONTRACTOR shall get written approval from Client for such location well in advance.
* The exact position of the laid pipelines / Power Cables / other utilities in the Right Of Way (ROW) shall be located with Help of the given drawing / Pipe locator / Cable Locator.
* Preventive measures shall be taken while excavators and heavy equipment’s approach high voltage lines, whenever a Pipeline is to be laid either Parallel or along near underground power cables, conductors or conduit.
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* ROW shall be established with reference to the route maps and alignment sheets furnished by the Client.
* On Receipt of principal permission from Client, Contractor shall do necessary laizaining with a local authority for identification and the Supervision of the Right Of Way (ROW) Clearing/grading.
* Unless otherwise mentioned in the standard, a width of Right Of Way (ROW) shall be referred from the alignment sheet and other related documents.
* Centerline of Pipeline shall be established between one TP to the next TP and shall be demarcated by staking of wooden pegs at an interval of 100 m for straight sections of Right Of Way (ROW) and at 10 m for Turning points. Wooden pegs shall be painted in red color & are staked at every 100 m on either side of the row.
* All TP, IP stones, benchmarks, special points, obstacles crossings, change of wall thickness, Kilometer (KM) post, and boundary markers shall be maintained as reference markers and these are retained until permanent markers are installed.
* In common Right Of Way (ROW), the line shall be laid parallel to the existing pipeline and pipe center distance between the new pipeline and existing pipeline shall be located by pipeline locator or exposing of the existing pipeline by trial pit and distance is kept as per mentioned in the agreement between Client & concern authority.
* All operations shall be confined to ROW, damages to paths / roads / embankment Irrigation Pipelines/ bridges etc outside Right Of Way (ROW) shall be restored to original condition within one week time after completion of job to the satisfaction of local authority/Client & any damages to crop/land which is out of the specified width of Right Of Way(ROW).
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* Contractor shall be fully responsible for such compensations, unless & until contractor get written approval from Client for such location well in advance. Slope shall be graded within the permissible degree of curvature and the side slope is maintained.
Clearing & Grading
* For Clearing or the removal of all bushes, farm crop, etc. if required necessary permission should be obtained from the concerned authority which may come along the Right Of Way (ROW) & it should be relocated and replanted. The grading shall be done for the preparation of the ground to a relatively flat surface and leveled condition with gradual curvature.
* All grubbed stumps, timber, brush, undergrowth, and roots cut or removed for the ROW shall be disposed of as per in a manner and method satisfactory to Client/ TPIA.
* All grubbed stumps, timber, bush, undergrowth and roots cut or removed for the ROW shall be disposed as per in a manner and method satisfactory to Client/ TPIA, landowners and/or tenant, and government Authorities having jurisdiction and as soon as practical after the initial removal. Whenever stumps have been grubbed and a hole left in the ground, the contractor shall backfill the hole and compact it to prevent water from gathering in it and making a big hole.
* No temporary or permanent deposit of any kind of the material resulting from clearing and grading shall be permitted in the approach to roads, railways, streams, ditches, drainages ditches and any other position which may hinder the passage and /or the natural water drainage.
* The clearing and grading shall be done by means of suitable machine/excavator or JCB as required according to site.
* During grading operation the limits (edge) of the ROW shall be indicated by ranging rod held at suitable spacing.
* Care shall be taken not to damage or dislocate the TP / IP markers at the ROW and the permanent pipeline markers and boundary pillars etc. in case of common Right Of Way (ROW).
* Banks of Irrigation Canals and other water crossings higher than adjacent ground shall be graded only after obtaining permissions from the concerned authorities, if permitted only and alternatively ramps with the proper slope is made to their acceptance.
* Using Hume pipes or steel bridges, access shall be provided across irrigation canals and other watercourses having water flow. Permissions for the same are obtained from the concerned authorities. Care shall be taken to minimize the interference with the watercourse and to avoid damage to the banks.
* Proper care of Risk of injury to the general public shall be taken by providing proper safety cautions like hard barricades / warning tape/warning sign etc during grading.
* All personnel working on the pipeline which is being laid in the area influenced by the high voltage system shall be given instructions to take safety measures.
* All vehicles & equipment working in the area influenced by the high voltage system shall be earthed and checked by security officer in – charge with Priority.
* Bridging at roads, water, and other crossings wherever needed to permit passage of man and equipment shall be carried out without causing inconvenience to public travel after taking prior approval from local authorities.
* At the road crossing, cart tracks for safety point of view, care shall be taken by providing watchmen and warning signs, etc.
* The supply of water through field channels or drains etc which crosses the Right Of Way (ROW) during pipeline laying operation shall not be closed or obstructed till final cleanup and restoration. If required the passage shall be maintained by providing alternative arrangements to the affected people.
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